Wednesday 18 May 2022

Oris swiss watch exclusive launch by AWG

Exclusive launching of ORIS Swiss Watch newest collection by AWG FINE WATCHES witnessed by AWG Executive Director Ms. Callie Liow, Managing Director Mr. Liow CH, General Manager of AWG Mr. Jason and General Manager of ORIS Malaysia Mr. Heng Wei Hun at Mid Valley Mega Mall, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. 

From left ; Mr Heng of ORIS Malaysia, AWG GM Mr Jason, AWG MD Mr. Liow CH & AWG ED Ms. Callie Liow

ORIS since 1904 - perhaps one of the oldest brands of Swiss watchmaker and is likely one of the sought-after Swiss model watches across the globe. The ORIS collection includes the ranges Motor Sports, Aviation, Diving and Culture. If you’re looking for a premium brand with premium quality watches and watch accessories, then ORIS would never disappoint. Whether you’re a watch enthusiast or someone who’s looking to start your own collection, ORIS watches would be a great brand to start. Check out from AWG Fine Watches Gallery in major shopping malls across Malaysia.
The event was attended by many celebrities, influencers and media members.

豪利时(ORIS),是瑞士独立制表的高级腕表品牌。于1904年,由Paul Cattin和Georges Christian创立,第二次世界大战时,豪利时为美国空军及飞行员设计了大表冠手表,从而成为著名品牌。1904年以来,豪利时坚持以传统的瑞士工艺制作完美的机械腕表,由于价格合理且品质出色而深受喜爱。豪利时的机械时计系列备有多款特别的设计,满足不同人士的需求,像指针式日历指示,小三针及闹钟等。亚洲区品牌代言人为谢霆锋。
作为拥有超过百年历史的瑞士高级表品牌,豪利时仅专注于生产机械表,不生产石英与电子表。品牌以适用于日常生活佩带做为设计理念,为大众提供最亲民的奢侈品,而非生产束之高阁的鉴赏品。豪利时腕表除了广受腕表爱好者欢迎之外,更在F1赛车、潜水、飞行及好莱坞等多项领域与名人合作。請親临 "美國鐘錶行" 於全馬各大主要購物商場參觀或選購。

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