Saturday 27 July 2024

Asia Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine Summit (ADAMS) 2024


KUALA LUMPUR, 27 July 2024 - In its ongoing commitment to advancing the field of aesthetic medicine, Ko Academy, a training facility under Dr. Ko Skin Specialist, launched the third edition of its highly-anticipated Asia Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine Summit (ADAMS) 2024. The conference, taking place from 27-28 July 2024 at Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur, is an initiative to boost dermatology and aesthetic medicine in Malaysia and offer medical practitioners a platform to share global knowledge and insights.
ADAMS 2024, themed ‘A Symphony of Beauty: The Union of Science & Art,’ saw the support of over 600 conference delegates, including doctors and practitioners. The event featured 50 exhibition booths and speakers from Malaysia, Singapore, Ukraine, Taiwan, Italy, Spain, and other key countries in the dermatology and aesthetic fields.
Following this theme, Ko Academy highlighted the importance of regulations and policies in the summit with a forum titled ‘Building Trust Through Regulations: Promoting Safe Practices.’ The lineup of speakers included the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC)’s Vice President of Healthcare, Vicknesh Krishnan; the Medical Device Authority (MDA)’s Head of Strategic Planning Branch, Policy and Strategic Planning Division, Nashirah Naimi; and the Medical Legislative Branch’s Senior Assistant Director, Najmi Ismail.
Dato’ Dr. Ko Chung Beng, Founder and CEO of Dr. Ko Skin Specialist and the Organizing Chairman of ADAMS 2024 mentioned in his speech, “Embracing our theme (this year), we recognize that our commitment goes beyond merely advancing aesthetic practices. It involves harmonizing artistic vision with scientific precision to uphold the highest standards of safety and quality. Just as a symphony blends different elements to create beauty, our field thrives on this integration, building trust with our patients and elevating the quality of care we provide.”
Dr. Vivien See Kai Ying, President of the ADAMS 2024 committee said, “Reflecting on the first two years of ADAMS, we are delighted to see our delegate numbers double and more partners joining us. Our goal as organizers is to attract a larger, more diverse community, fostering collaboration and innovation. This vision drives us to continually enhance ADAMS, making it a key event that inspires and unites our industry.”
The global aesthetic medicine market was valued at approximately USD 19.2 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% from 2024 to 2032. Within this market, the non-surgical segment is expected to reach USD 41.8 billion by 2032, reflecting a significant shift towards less invasive procedures.
In Malaysia, the aesthetic medicine sector has shown remarkable growth. The revenue of aesthetic medical providers increased at a CAGR of 30.8% from 2019 to 2021. In 2022, the domestic market was estimated at RM468.8 million, and it is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 18.8%, rising from RM366.3 million in 2021 to RM1.03 billion by 2027. This trend mirrors the general increase in beauty-related expenditures in the country, showcasing the vibrant and expanding nature of the industry.
The theme "A Symphony of Beauty: The Union of Science & Art" encapsulates the broader impact of the summit on the aesthetic medicine industry, emphasizing the necessity of integrating artistic vision with scientific rigor. This harmonious blend is essential not only for advancing the field but also for establishing Malaysia as a leader in aesthetic medicine. The summit aims to foster a collaborative environment where innovative ideas can flourish, ultimately enhancing the quality of care and patient trust. By uniting diverse expertise from around the continent, ADAMS 2024 is set to elevate Malaysia's standing in the global aesthetic medicine landscape and stimulate growth across the region, setting new benchmarks for safety, quality, and innovation.
With such a positive outlook, the Malaysian aesthetic medicine market is poised for continued growth, driven by innovation, regulatory support, and increasing consumer demand. This promising future underscores the potential for Malaysia to become a regional leader in aesthetic medicine, offering world-class treatments and attracting global attention.
About Dr. Ko Skin Specialist
Dr. Ko Skin Specialist Centre has been providing a comprehensive range of in-depth services from dermatology to cosmetic surgery. Today, Dr. Ko Skin Specialist Centre is proudly recognized as one of Asia’s leading dermatology and laser centers, gaining the trust of medical professionals and clients across the globe.

About Ko Academy
Founded by Dato’ Dr. Ko Chung Beng in 1997, Ko Academy started humbly as an in-house training department of Malaysia’s pioneer and, to date, the Largest Skin, Laser, and Medical Aesthetic Clinic, Ko Skin Specialist Centre. Ko Academy has trained countless very successful medical aesthetic practitioners in Malaysia, many of whom started their practice, and many are currently influential medical aesthetic practitioners in the industry. It continues to do so by opening its door to train any doctors who are interested in venturing into the medical aesthetic practice.

全球专家齐聚吉隆坡出席ADAMS 2024见证KO ACADEMY驱动医美行业前进

(吉隆坡27日讯) - Dr. Ko Skin Specialist旗下的培训设施KO Academy一直承诺推动医美领域的发展,并在日前为万众瞩目的第三届亚洲皮肤病学与医美峰会(ADAMS) 2024主持推展礼。是项峰会乃于2024年7月27-28 日假吉隆坡香格里拉大酒店举行,它倡议提升皮肤病学与医美领域在马来西亚的地位,并为执业医生们提供一个平台,以分享全球知识与心得。
ADAMS 2024的主题是‘美之交响曲:科学与艺术的结合(A Symphony of Beauty: The Union of Science & Art)’,共有600多位代表,包括医生及从业人员出席大会,以示支持。该活动共设有50 个展览摊位,而主讲嘉宾则来自马来西亚、新加坡、乌克兰、台湾、意大利、西班牙及在皮肤病学与医美领域有杰出成就的其他国家。
配合上述主题,Ko Academy在峰会期间主办了一项标题为‘通过法规建立信心: 提倡安全的作业规范’,以强调遵守相关法规与政策的重要性。主讲嘉宾阵容鼎盛,包括马来西亚医疗旅游理事会(MHTC)医疗保健部副会长Vicknesh Krishnan; 医疗器械管理局(MDA)属下政策与策略规划分部、策略规划支部主任Nashirah Naimi; 以及医药法律支部高级助理总监 Najmi Ismail。
拿督许崇明医生(Dato’ Dr. Ko Chung Beng),即Dr. Ko Skin Specialist创办人兼首席执行长暨ADAMS 2024筹委会主席致词时指出:“贯彻今年的主题,我们承认我们许下的承诺不仅仅是驱动医美作业规范突飞猛进。它还牵涉到如何让艺术眼光与精准的科学达致和谐,以捍卫安全性和品质的最高标准。恰如一支交响乐团融合不同元素而交织出动听的音符,我们这项领域也随着此项结合而蓬勃增长,除了建立病患的信心,也提升我们所提供的护理之素质。”
ADAMS 2024委员会会长Vivien See Kai Ying医生透露:“和过去头两届ADAMS比较,参加今年度峰会的代表及伙伴人数已经倍增,令我们深感欣慰。身为主办方我们的目标是吸引到更庞大、更具多样性的社群,以便加强彼此的合作与革新。这份宏愿驱动我们继续强化ADAMS,让它成为能够启发及团结本行业的一项关键活动。”
"美之交响曲:科学与艺术的结合"这个主题涵盖了该峰会在医美行业的更广义影响力,强调融合艺术眼光与严谨科学的必要性。这种浑然天成的和谐感不但对推动此领域的进展极为重要,还有助于奠定马来西亚在医美领域的领导地位。该峰会的宗旨是促成一个有利于合作的环境,以便各种创意构思能够百花齐放,进而提升医疗护理品质,同时建立病患信心。ADAMS 2024通过汇聚来自五湖四海的业界专家,矢志提高马来西亚在全球医美领域的声望,并刺激本区域的增长,为安全性、品质与革新制订新标竿。

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