Saturday 27 July 2024


如何请客吃饭 ?看看大馬大亨拿督威拉潘金跃的待客之道!
Datuk Wira Pua Kim An 馬來西亞企業家大亨拿督威拉潘金跃豪邁大氣設宴邀請貴賓们品嚐福喜堂中國八大菜系菜餚,由福喜堂私房菜館主廚舒珊大師負責‘辦桌’。

THE 8 MAJOR CUISINES OF CHINA 中国八大菜系菜餚 dinner hosted by Malaysia Tycoon Datuk Wira Pua. Happy Blessed birthday Dato Dr. Lim

❇️ 配酒前菜 APERITIF 
福喜堂炸花腩 Foxxytong's Fried Pork Belly 


1. 浙 菜 (宋朝)- 蟹釀橙  
Zhejiang Cuisine- Xie Niang Cheng Crab Stuffed Orange
2. 玫瑰白酒 Rose Wine(蟹釀橙屬於寒性菜餚,配合飲用一小杯玫瑰白酒能促进血液循环,驱散体内的寒气,润燥中和的作用 )
3. 川菜 - 开水白菜 
SICHUAN CUISINE- Cabbage Blossom
4. 粤菜 - XO 白兰地酒豪華白灼醉虾 CANTON CUISINE- XO COGNAC Drunken Scalded Shrimp 
5. 魯菜 - 葱烧海參 
LU's Cuisine Scallion-Fried Sea Cucumber 
6.徽菜 - 明朝宮廷海味一品鍋 Anhui  Cuisine  - Emperor Braised Treasure Pot
8.湘菜 - 水煮海斑魚片 XIANGCAI Hunan Boiled Fish
9.苏菜 - 荔枝樱桃肉丸 
Suzhou Cuisine - Lychee Cherry Meat Balls
10.闽 菜 - 干贝芋头飯 
FUJIAN CUISINE  - Scallop Taro Rice 

 ❇️ 飯後甜點 Dessert 
1.紫薯红棗养生包 Purple Potato Red Date Bun
2.官燕香芋西米露 Bird Nest Taro Sago Coconut Milk

1. 浙菜 - 蟹酿橙從南宋朝流傳至今,有着千年历史的国宴名菜, 鮮美,气味特殊,橙的酸甜同螃蟹的鮮香融为一体。




蟹酿橙 xiè niàng chéng. 
SONG DYNASTY Zhejiang Cuisine  - Crab-stuffed-orange is an Orange-Flavored Crab Meat. 

Xie niang cheng is crab meat steamed with orange pulp, combined with others ingredients in sauce made from rice vinegar and rice wine and put in a hollowed out orange.

This is a dish with much history, having originated in the Song Dynasty era 1151 when oranges were still a rare treat and Hangzhou had just become the capital of the Song Emperors.

During the Song dynasty, the golden age in China’s culinary history, people came up with various new ways to enjoy crab, from crab wontons to crab roe soup buns. They even invented a dish called “crab-stuffed orange (蟹酿橙).” To make this, they cut off the top of an orange, hollowed out the inside, filled it with crab roe and crab meat, and then put the top back on before steaming it in water, wine, and vinegar. 

3. 川菜-开水白菜。Sichuan Cuisine 在川菜之中,有一道清流,那就是有「菜中之王」美譽的開水白菜。光看名字便覺她寡淡,卻能在「滿江紅」之中跑出,甚至成為國宴菜餚,開水白菜到底有何過人之處?

開水白菜,看似清湯寡水 ,但赫赫有名 曾登上國宴。
SICHUAN CUISINE- Among Sichuan cuisine, there is a clear stream, and that is boiled cabbage soup, which is known as the "King of Dishes". Just by looking at the name, you think it is dull, but it can stand out among the "Man Jiang Hong" and even become one of main dish at the China state banquet. What is so special about boiled cabbage soup?

Boiled cabbage soup may seem like a clear soup with little water, but it is famous for being served at state banquets.
At first glance, the boiled cabbage soup may seem bland, but don’t be deceived by its “simple” appearance. The cooking process is very sophisticated and shows excellent soup-making skills. From the Imperial dining room to the state banquet, boiled cabbage soup is a delicacy that combines nutrition and aesthetics.

4. 粤菜 - XO 白兰地酒豪華白灼醉虾 Canton Cuisine- COGNAC Drunken Scalded Shrimp 

Canton Cuisine  - A tasty XO Cognac drunken scalded prawns that never disappoints !

Drunken prawns is one of the popular Cantonese dish.

Drunken shrimp are shrimp that have been soaked in XO Cognac for an hour. Because shrimp get affected by alcohol just like humans, they become drunk. The goal is to have the Cognac fully filled in to the head and body of the shrimp. 
Then the alcohol forces the shrimp to expel their wastes. Anyhow you still can hear them kicking and jumping in the pot till they are dead. Sounds cruel but this is to retain the freshness and sweetness of the shrimps.

Boil and cook in Lobster broth just till the shrimps are bright pink and resulting in a delightful balance of sweetness and savouriness and has the perfect texture.

5. 魯菜 - 葱烧海參 LU's Cuisine  - Scallion-Fried Sea Cucumber
2018年,“中国菜”正式发布,“葱烧海参“被评为山东十大经典名菜。LU's Cuisine  - Scallion-fried sea cucumber is one of the representative dishes of Shandong Cuisine. With water-soaked sea cucumber and green onion as the main ingredients, the sea cucumber is fresh, soft and smooth, with a strong scallion flavor, and no residual juice after eating. It is one of the "eight treasures of ancient and modern times", with a mellow onion flavor, rich nutrition, and nourishing lungs and kidneys.
In 2018, "Chinese cuisine" was officially released, and "Scallion-fried sea cucumber" was rated as one of the top ten classic dishes in Shandong.

6.徽菜 - 明朝宮廷海味一品鍋 Anhui  Cuisine  - Emperor Braised Treasure Pot.
一品锅是徽州山区冬季常吃的汉族传统美食,属于暖锅类。相传,此菜由明朝石台县“四部尚书”毕锵的一品诰命夫人余氏创制。一次,皇上忽然劳驾尚书府作客,席上出了粗茶淡饭外,余夫人特地烧了同样徽州家常菜----暖锅。不意皇上吃患上津津乐道,赞誉不停。厥后,皇上得悉甘旨的暖锅竟是余夫人亲手所烧,便说本来仍是 “一品锅”,菜名就此一锤定了音。
Anhui cuisine is one of the eight major cuisines in China. It has many representative dishes, among which Yipinguo is very famous. It belongs to the hot pot category and is a delicacy that people often eat in winter. It is very delicious. Yipin hot pot is a traditional Han delicacy often eaten in winter in the mountainous areas of Huizhou. It belongs to the hot pot category. According to legend, this dish was created by Yu, the first-grade wife of Bi Qiang, the "Four Ministers" of Shitai County in the Ming Dynasty. Once, the emperor suddenly visited the Shangshu Mansion as a guest. In addition to the simple meal, Mrs. Yu specially cooked the same Huizhou home-cooked dish - hot pot. Unexpectedly, the emperor enjoyed eating it and praised it endlessly. Later, the emperor learned that the delicious hot pot was actually cooked by Mrs. Yu herself, so he said that it was still a "first-grade hot pot", and the name of the dish was decided.

8.湘菜 - 水煮海斑魚片 XIANGCAI CUISINE Hunan Boiled Fish
湘菜水煑魚 油而不膩、辣而不燥、麻而不苦、肉質滑嫩是其特色。
The Hunan Dish of boiled fish is characterized by its oiliness but not greasy, spicy but not dry, numb but not bitter, and tender meat.

9.苏菜 - 荔枝樱桃肉丸 Suzhou Cuisine - Lychee Cherry Meat Balls.
Suzhou Cuisine  - Lychee Cherry Meat Balls is one of the traditional famous dishes in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, and belongs to Su cuisine. Founded in Jiangsu, it was introduced to the palace during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. Lychee Cherry Meat Balls was recorded in the "Imperial Tea Dining Room" of the Qing Dynasty. It is characterized by cherry red color, bright and pleasing to the eye, crispy and plump.
It's shape is round and small, its skin is soft, sweet and salty.

10.闽 菜 - 干贝芋头飯 FUJIAN CUISINE  - Scallop Taro Rice.

Fujian cuisine, one of the eight major cuisines in China, originated in Minhou County, Fujian Province, China.
The most homely and delicious dish in Fujian cuisine is the Southern Fujian scallop and taro rice. It is not only a dish that any mother often cooked, but also a childhood memory of many Southern Fujian people. It has a soft and waxy texture, delicious flavor, attractive color, and rich nutritional value.

#福喜堂 #Foxxytong #privatekitchen #chinesefoods #chineserestaurant #Taipan 

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